

be still…

be quiet…


be open…


be vigilant…

be available…

be authentic…

and trust YOUR own truth…


be grateful…

be great…

do it your own way…

you were made for that…


and love yourself…

love all your reflections…

love without limits…

love knows no other way…


and know that love is all there is…

and give thanks

give thanks



trust your feelings…

trust the god that comes through you…

and trust in trust


have faith…

have faith in yourself

have faith in good, and love, and destiny

have faith in faith



believe in possibility…

believe in believing

and never stop believing


and remember

remember innocence…

remember where you came from

and remember to remember


know that love is all there is…

and give thanks



surrender limitation…

surrender judgment

know…that everyone does the best they can…always…


seek peace…

seek the place in you that’s silent

honor that silence…

you’ll find yourself there…



allow yourself to be yourself…

allow yourself to be effortless…

it doesn’t have to be that hard…


and imagine…

imagine openly…

be creative

it’s your nature


know that love is all there is…

and give thanks


indulge yourself…

indulge others…

be passionate…

and laugh a lot…



play by your own rules…

play with children…

and the children in all of us…


sing without a song…

dance with no idea…

live without an agenda…

and attend without a program…


free…the prisoner…

free…the guard…

retire…the judge…

and let the walls come down


know that love is all there is…

and give thanks




don’t be afraid…to be alone…

don’t be afraid to be deeply connected

don’t be afraid…to be afraid…

don’t be afraid…to just be…


be courageous

be bold

be all that you were made to be

only you…can be you…


so honor your nature…

honor the nature of others…

honor the nature of all things…

and honor grace…


honor everything…as a gift…

everything…as love…

honor everything…


as sacred…


and know that love is all there is…

give thanks

and above all things…

know that you are loved

you are loved…and you are loving…

loving by nature


yes! you are loved…always!

you are loved into being

into being….

all that you are…


and all you are IS love…

love…loving itself…

yes! love…loving itself…

THAT’S who you are…


you ARE love…

loving itself…

into being…

into being love…

into being love…


know that love is all there is…

give thanks

©2012 chris spheeris